Jamie Browne

Just one girl practicing who I be in the world and passing on the good vibes! I am an Energy Alchemist: wellbeing advocate, intuitive, teacher and reiki master, focusing on the quantum field. I consider this broad spectrum of work as Energy Alchemy. I am highly empathic and have the ability to see energy. Often this presents itself in the form of fractal and geometric patterning, toroidal fields and auras. I am a powerful focuser of energy and can easily shift into altered states of consciousness, which allows me to be very effective at distance attunements. Receivers of these attunements often experience profound shifts in their energetic fields. I use these gifts along with knowledge of the quantum field and vibrational patterning to help facilitate your shift into a more balanced, aligned state of wellbeing.

Succinctly, alchemy works with different layers of energies: physical, emotional and spiritual. These layers constitute our personal energy field. Beyond our personal field of energy is the etheric field (aka, Unified Field, Quantum Field, the Field, Plane of Creation, the Matrix, the Universal Field, etc) and Oneness (aka, the Plane of Absolute, singularity or the All). The etheric field is the place where we are co-creating with source energy. Visualizations and the Law of Attraction work on this plane. It is possible to connect to this plane to directly alter the flow of energy. Anything that exists in our physical reality must first exist in vibrational form within the etheric field. We are tapping into the field of potentialities and activating them simply by choosing to focus on them. I like to think of this as the place we are molding the energy into being. When a new idea pops into your mind, you are connecting to an energy already existing in vibrational form (aka thought forms). The more you focus on it, the more real it becomes. In science this is demonstrated with the Higgs Boson Theory or Double Slit Experiment. The work I do is comprised of these fields with particular focus in certain areas depending on what we're trying to achieve at the time.

If some of this sounds too complex or esoteric... not to worry, in many cases that's to be expected. This isn't everyday conversation. However, as we continue to evolve this information is becoming more common in our everyday vernacular. All we ever have to do in any given moment or situation, is pay attention to what resonates with us on a personal level and ignore the rest. It may take time to become acquainted with all the terminology and find your particular comfort level. We are all on different stages of our path and each path is highly personal and unique. No two paths or perspectives are ever completely identical. They may share similarities but they will never be precisely the same. The diversity that exists among us is the very fabric which allows us to develop our individual preferences and continue to experience our growth and expansion.

We can never know everything because everyone and everything is in a constant state of evolution. The only things that are constant are that of universal law. But we can learn to understand these laws and apply them to everyday life in practical ways so that we may live happier more fulfilling lives. That is what energy alchemy is all about.

There are an infinite number of frequencies that exist within the universe; with love being the most powerful. It is the foundational essence of that which we all are and the core of all that I hope to be, do and teach. I believe that each and every one of us has the innate ability to heal ourselves on all levels of our being. Everything we truly need already exists within us. We simply need to remember what we already know. My goal is to help others tune and align their body, mind and spirit to the frequency of love so that we may all live and experience our personal paths of joy and wellbeing. I look forward to playing an integral part in your personal transformation to gain more balance, insight and ease in your life. Developing your energy awareness is a potent way to move through the world with more grace and stability and less reactivity. Come give it a try!