The Science Behind The Energy

First and foremost this page in no way covers or addresses the full scope of the scientific studies that currently document the possibilities or achievements of quantum healing and energy alchemy but is simply intended to be a brief introduction to some of the information that demonstrates how everything truly is connected and the resources readily available to us. Science has profoundly changed the way we view reality, but there is always more waiting to be discovered.

Platonic Soldis, the cube, octahedron, tetrahedron, icosahedron, and dodecahedron

The Platonic Solids

There are 5 unique shapes in the universe they are the platonic solids and all of these shapes (the cube, octahedron, tetrahedron, icosahedron, and dodecahedron) are found within Metatron's Cube (a sacred geometric pattern).

Plato the Pythagoras inspired greek philosopher and mathematician founded his Academy in Athens in 387 BCE, where he stressed mathematics as a way of understanding more about reality. He also theorized that the classical elements of the world were made of these basic solids. The five Platonic Solids were thought to represent the five basic elements: earth, air, fire, water, and the universe. This is the basis of our original alchemy.

  • The cube is associated with the earth and reconnecting energy to nature.
  • The octahedron is associated with air and cultivating acceptance and compassion.
  • The icosahedron is associated with water and enhances creative thought and expression.
  • The tetrahedron is associated with fire and perpetuates balance and stability. Mathematics demonstrates the harmonics of music are some how related to the central line moving through a tetrahedron.
  • The dodecahedron is associated with the universe and represents ether (aka prana), mystery and meditation. Plato stated that the dodecahedron was "used for arranging the constellations on the whole heaven." The dodecahedron can also be seen as representing the universe with the twelve zodiac signs which correspond to the twelve faces of the dodecahedron.

These regular solids occur in areas such as chemistry, crystallography, mineralogy, oceanography, medical virology, cytology (the study of cells), geology, meteorology, astrology, electronics, and architecture, to name only a few. They are the building blocks of life including the harmonics of our musical scale. Light and the dimensional levels work in the same way as harmonics and all of this directly correlates to the periodic table as well as sacred geometry. The platonic solids can be described as forming the foundation of all structure.

The Periodic Table of Elements

Every single element on the periodic table of elements has a geometric relation to at least one of the platonic solids.


Sacred Geometry


Additional Sources

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Aspen Brain Institute – Self Directed Biological Transformation (SDBT) featuring Deepak Chopra

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Torus and Toroidal Flow Extract - Nassim Haramein

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All of Life is Interconnected - Ashok Gangadean